Fruit Medieval Tarts

During the Middle ages, a town had a miller that everyone took their wheat grain to to make flour. There was one oven that belonged to the Baker. It was a respected profession since regular townsfolk didn’t have ovens and the Baker would cook their goods for a fee. This was a one-time deal, so they did as much as possible at one time. This tart was made from the leftover ingredients after all the baking was done.

The spices are surprising. But when you think that they were using up everything that was left, then it makes sense: basil, rosemary, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt & pepper, honey, and olive oil. Whenever I make this for a party, people stand by it scraping the last of the crumbs.

This recipe makes two tarts. The ingredients are enough for the two. I have guessed the amounts since I always make it to taste. If you feel you need more, add more.

Fruit Medieval Tarts


  • 4-5 pears. Medium-ripe pears are the best. Apples may be substituted, but must be peeled. I have also made this with fresh peaches and it was divine.
  • 1 pkg commercial rolled pie dough (2 crusts); or two home-made pie crusts
  • 2 tsp Rosemary
  • 2 tsp Basil
  • 2 tsp Nutmeg
  • Cinnamon (about 1/2 tsp)
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • Sugar or Honey (about 2 tsp of sugar or 1 tbsp of honey)
  • Olive oil (About 2 tsp)

The best pans I have found are Wilton quiche pans (11×1.125″ round with removable bottom). When they have cooled you can just hold the tarts from the bottom of the pan and remove the outer edge.

You can decorate this pie and make the patterns that you want. I usually leave a couple of pear bottoms to put in the center of the tart and decorate out from there.

It is hard to buy ripened pears. You have to buy them a couple of days prior to making this and let them ripen.

When I have dinner parties, I make these tarts and leave them ready to go. I put them in the oven when we sit down to eat. This way they will be ready to be taken out of the oven just around the time that everyone is finished eating. I let them cool for a little while and serve them while they are still warm.

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Preheat Oven to 400F. Cut the tops and bottoms of the pears to have a flat surface for coring. 

Step 2

Core pears with an apple corer, or cut in halves, vertically, then quarters, then eighths. You will have to remove the centers that contain the seeds if you don’t core them.

Step 3

Roll out the pie dough, sprinkle with a little bit of flour, turn over and place on baking pans. Roll edges over or under, whichever you prefer. It will make a nice edge. 

Step 4

Place a pear bottom in the center.  Arrange pear slices in a circular motion until filling the whole pie.


Step 5

Slowly add olive oil. You don’t have to cover every surface. Sprinkle the rest of the ingredients to taste over each pie.


Step 6

Bake in a 400°F oven until dough is golden brown.


Step 7

Take Out and let cool. Cut with a pizza cutter.


I like it by itself, but, you  can serve it with ice cream, whipped cream or anything else you want to add to it.