From The Outside Looking In
Stories, Recipes, Family Tree and Observations
Memoirs of An Observer
As long as can remember, I have been an observer. There are two kinds of kids, the ones doing and the ones watching. I was the watcher: extremely shy, awkward and skinny, too afraid to talk. I could watch for hours and never utter a word recording everything around me, taking it all in – every detail – watching lizards, spiders, birds, and exploring the rich paradise that was the outskirts of Santo Domingo, and reveled in the stories around me carried forward by the women in my life: my mother, aunts, maids, etc.
I have started this site in order to share stories of my family and my life. I have led the most exciting, complex, chaotic life full of ups and downs, adventures, lots of fun, lots of pain, but at the end, full of peace and happiness.
I would like to dedicate these stories to my daughter, Avaryl, and my nieces and nephews — a generation free of political repression, anxieties, and fear, full of hope and open to every possibility. I am aware that their generation has no reference to relate to the world I grew up in. Even I, at this age, and in this reality, feel like this was just a movie I saw a long time ago, but, sadly, I know it was all too real.
I am adding entries in this blog when I can. Short stories of memories, events, or just observations throughout my life, and my favorite recipes.
Browse through. I welcome any information you might be able to add to the stories.